Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 1117
This collection contains accounting information for the Iowa State Normal School / Iowa State Teachers College dating from 1884-1930.
Additional formats
The boxes in this section contain negatives and film strips that are in formats not otherwise held in the main Photograph Collection or the Negatives or Negatives with Positives sections. These are the formats represented: Other Formats Film Strips, 1962 (0.42 linear feet); Unprocessed Photos and Negatives (1.251 linear feet); Glass Negatives (0.42 linear feet); and Negatives without Prints (1.625 linear feet).
Adene Sadie Kerstetter Leupold Papers
This collection consists primarily of material that Adene Sadie Kerstetter Leupold used when she was teaching in Iowa country schools in the 1930s and early 1940s. It also includes material relating to her time as a student at the Iowa State Teachers College, where she took her professional training to become a teacher.
Administrative Council Minutes
The Administrative Council minutes consists primarily of the group's minutes and agendas dating from 1946 to 1983. It also include smaller amount of correspondence related to the Council's work.
Administrative Files, Vice President and Provost
Admissions Collection
Affirmative Action Forms
This collection contains various Affirmative Action forms for each of the colleges and departments on campus.
Afro-American Society collection
This folder contains one sheet titled “Demands”, and letters and correspondences between Dr. William Lang, at the time the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Charles Quirk, the chairman of the Committee on University Responsibility in Minority Group Education, regarding the demands made by the Afro-American Society. There are two copies of each of these sheets included in the folder, and each of the letters contains information regarding meetings.